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Peer 2 Peer Technology at Your Fingertips

What is Peer 2 Peer ?

Peer-to-peer networks generally implement some form of virtual overlay network on top of the physical network topology, where the nodes in the overlay form a subset of the nodes in the physical network. Data is still exchanged directly over the underlying TCP/IP network, but at the application, layer peers are able to communicate with each other directly, via the logical overlay links (each of which corresponds to a path through the underlying physical network). Overlays are used for indexing and peer discovery and make the P2P system independent from the physical network topology. Based on how the nodes are linked to each other within the overlay network, and how resources are indexed and located, we can classify networks as unstructured or structured (or as a hybrid between the two)


All you need in 1 App

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Money transfer

TODOT allows easy and fast transfer of money between each other

Sharing positive feedback

TODOT system is built in the best way for you to pass on positive messages from one employee to another

High Secure

TODOT Peer 2 PeeR system from PAI has one of the most advanced security measures available in the world of fintech

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Learn All About the Advantages that Our System Has to Offer

Personalize Your Experience

TODOT system is built in the best way for you to pass on positive messages from one employee to another.

TODOT system allows the employee to give feedback by sending a message easily by selecting the desired message and even writing a message that is entirely your own.

Accessible from All Locations

It's easy to connect everywhere in the plant!.

Easy to greet

Using the TODOT app, you can send a generic greeting quickly and easily by using the buttons that contain the common greeting words (there is also an option for personal writing).

Easy to transfer moeny

We have chosen to present buttons for quick transfer of funds, in our unique app you can choose how much money you want to transfer in amounts of NIC 5-20 by simple and quick click on one button.

Choosing a different amount of money

In case you want to transfer an amount higher than NIS 20, you can do so using this bar

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Easy accesses to your recent movements

By one click on the screen you can easily watch your account movements and open the greeting massage form your collogues.


We've Come a Long Way

TODOT is an application from PAI, PAI is a fintech company that was founded in 2014 and provides tens of thousands of customers with smart and secure banking services for private customers, small and large companies and even government institutions.


Be in Touch

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Building A Shimson 5 Street Petach Tikva, ISRAEL 4952702

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All rights reserved

to TODOT.IO. 2022

Do not copy contact or pictures without TODOT.IO premonition informal conditions


Shimson 5 Street, Building A 
Petach Tikva, ISRAEL 4952702

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